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  • In the interest of supporting and equipping the business community with resources to weather the uncertainty ahead, the Chamber is providing information for owners and employees to help mitigate the impact of social distancing and other risk-lowering actions by customers.


  • Updated VACCINE, COVID-19, Delta Variant Information

    Delta Variant - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/variants/delta-variant.html

    Business Toolkit - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/resuming-business-toolkit.html

    Guidance on Testing - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/organizations/testing-non-healthcare-workplaces.html

    EEOC Info on COVID - https://www.eeoc.gov/wysk/what-you-should-know-about-covid-19-and-ada-rehabilitation-act-and-other-eeo-laws

    OSHA Guidance - https://www.osha.gov/coronavirus/safework

    Small Business Administration

    The Small Business Administration (SBA) has set up a page with information about their Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program, guidance for businesses and employers, SBA products and resources, access to capital and exporting assistance, government contracting and local assistance. To visit their page, please click here.
    SBA COVID-19 Loan Policy Click to View Document

    U.S. Chamber of Commerce

    The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has established “Combating the Coronavirus” on its website with resources including workplace tips for employees, customizable flyers and signage, preparedness checklists, social media toolkits, travel notices, and reports on the worldwide economic condition and how it may impact your business. To visit their page, please click here.
    US Chamber SB Loan Guide Click to View Document

    Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta hosts a page on their website with a thorough Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about COVID-19, resources on how to prepare your family, as well as information for travelers, schools and childcare, businesses and employers, and community and faith-based organizations. To visit their page, please click here.

    Alabama Department of Public Health

    For the most updated information about COVID-19 in Alabama, please visit the Alabama Department of Public Health's resource page on the outbreak by clicking here

    Alabama Department of Labor

    The Alabama Department of Labor announced it has temporarily ordered that relief be offered to employers whose employees must file unemployment compensation claims for weeks filed dues to COVID-19 related issues. For more details about this move, please click here. Also, the Alabama Restaurant and Hospitality Association has released an FAQ regarding unemployment insurance benefits and the Alabama Department of Labor. To read the two-page document, please click here.
    Alabama Department of Labor Press Release 3.20.20 Click to Download Word Document

    Remote Working

    Many businesses large and small are transitioning to remote working environments in the interest of keeping employees and customers from potential exposure. But what do you need to consider as a workplace to make sure it's safe, secure and efficient for the company? Take a look at this article that focuses on the questions you need to ask your IT professional by clicking here

    Video Conferencing

    Because of social distancing and a reduction of non-essential travel, business meetings – whether across town or across the country – must happen in non-traditional settings. The Chamber has used video conferencing tools to still connect when we can’t be in the same room with members and partners. To read a great article about free video conferencing tools your business could use when you can’t meet with team members or customers, please click here.


  • News Releases